On this installment of RIA Stories, Jason Gordo comes on the show to discuss Modern Wealth. These are long form interviews designed to take the viewer down the path of a 1st Due Diligence meeting with the firm. Jay Coulter covers the Seven Core Domains of an initial meeting.
Learn more about Modern Wealth: https://www.modwm.com
Download the RIA Due Diligence Guide from Resilient Advisor: https://www.resilientadvisor.com/riastories
This Saturday Note tells the story of how the old 'Letter from Garcia' story can help you with your professional relationships and building the right team.
Everyone has experienced regret. Sometimes regret is unavoidable. Sometimes it is actually your fault. This Saturday Note is about a lesson I recently learned.
A collection of 3 Saturday Notes on Failure, Sales & Money Market Risk. Subscribe to the Saturday Note: https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/7146657261103300608/
When successful people leave behind ideas and strategies for living a better life, it is always worth your time. In this Saturday Note you will learn from a legend of Wall Street...and life.
Past Saturday Notes can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/the-saturday-note-7146657261103300608/